#: locale=en ## Tour ### Description ### Title tour.name = Richard Nielsen ~ Past Imperfect ## Skin ### Button Button_E7F19341_F48A_0C9F_41E2_4A26D0106FA4.label = CHECKLIST Button_FC10A5BE_F386_17E5_41D9_0B73DCE934E1.label = VIEW CHECKLIST ### Tooltip IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4.toolTip = Fullscreen IconButton_138AC8EB_1C81_A718_41B9_C0E861AF42F4_mobile.toolTip = Fullscreen ## Media ### Title panorama_5CD4DD5E_57D8_087D_41CE_21ED26C66C9C.label = Nielsen 4 panorama_5E06026A_57D8_1845_41A4_EBE77C2603B7.label = Nielsen 9 panorama_5E065B6C_57D8_085D_4195_8E745F0CE7F4.label = Nielsen 8 panorama_5E066F2C_57D8_09DD_41C5_D81931148394.label = Nielsen 3 panorama_5E067E30_57D8_0BC5_41B7_0D5CF3B44420.label = Nielsen 7 panorama_5E09D07E_57D8_183D_41AC_112B0DC949A3.label = Nielsen 1 panorama_5E0A0AED_57D8_085F_41B3_807E5CC83163.label = Nielsen 5 panorama_5E0A16C0_57D8_1845_41B0_03577CFE95E5.label = Nielsen 11 panorama_5E0A259D_57D8_18FF_41AA_D174983F157D.label = Nielsen 10 panorama_5E0A58F0_57D8_0845_41D2_F944F73C3383.label = Nielsen 6 panorama_5E0ACD2E_57D8_09DD_41B9_A1F307E51FC3.label = Nielsen 2 photo_4D4AA14E_5828_385D_41C1_7FB64A93A339.label = john-collins-installation-views-5041 ## Popup ### Body htmlText_48F32191_5858_38C7_41C4_CE63DE555721.html =
Night-Vision #2, 2018
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
46 x 70 inches
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htmlText_4AD2799E_5868_08FD_41D5_0C99E27A755E.html =
Brougham "RJ" Hill - Essential Worker, 2021
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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htmlText_4ADFB421_5878_7FC7_41D5_CFDA86B1BEAE.html =
Night-Vision #2, 2018
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
46 x 70 inches
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htmlText_4AFF1DDE_5868_087D_41D2_E8556586F727.html =
(upper left)
Iva Gueorguieva - Artist, 2020
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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Jerri Alyn - Curator, Artist, 2021
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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(lower left)
Debra Scacco - Artist, Curator, 2021
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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(lower right)
Dr. Charlotte S. Carlson, MPAP, PA-C Los Angeles, 2021
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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htmlText_4B26D0A7_5858_18CB_41CB_4532B595C6CB.html =
Toto and the Doorman, 2020
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
46 x 35 inches
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htmlText_4C2C282D_5858_17DF_41C5_733F8CBD2013.html =
Uncle Arne & Aunt Marie, 2020
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
46 x 35 inches
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htmlText_4CE55959_5858_0847_41BD_36F9BA1B6873.html =
Antifa, Denmark 1945, Danish Freedom Fighters, My Great Uncle, 2021
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
46 x 35 inches
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htmlText_4D3D5269_5828_1847_41C9_3E0B8796E806.html =
Prank #2, 2020
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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htmlText_4D496A45_5828_084F_41D0_F1425CEC0519.html =
Michelle Fierro - Artist, 2020
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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htmlText_4D568032_5838_17C5_41C3_61EB8DAC066D.html =
Norwegians on Mars - EPFC, 2019
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
70 x 68 inches
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htmlText_4D59FC07_5828_0FCB_41D1_DB220B9B0565.html =
White Tail, 2019
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
46 x 70 inches
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htmlText_4D5FFFF8_5828_0845_41C6_937E3AE3DECB.html =
Surprise Rack, 2019
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
70 x 68 inches
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htmlText_4D797399_5828_38C7_416B_779169C25349.html =
April 1 to May 29, 2021
htmlText_4DDFB3F3_5838_384B_41D1_9D46DCE7B6CF.html =
Shant Kabadayan - Inventor, 2020
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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htmlText_4E7AC9F9_58E8_0847_41CE_DDF82998EBE8.html =
Maternity Park, 2018
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 69 inches
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htmlText_4E93DB20_5828_09C5_41A7_2AA7847FC48C.html =
Reginald Armstrong - Artist, 2021
Acrylic on Mayfair paper, mounted to stretch canvas.
35 x 23 inches
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## Action ### URL LinkBehaviour_EF04ADA1_F49E_779F_41CC_0BE80F8887E7.source = https://www.track16.com/richard-nielsen-past-imperfect-viewing-room